Where can i find a website for sign language for kids? Posted byaslsign May 11, 2010 3 Comments on Where can i find a website for sign language for kids? My 6 year old daughter want to learn sign language/ .
well thats great my mom is deaf so i know sign languauge here is the website there are pictures of hands for the letters and there is some other things too http://deafness.about.com/od/basics/ss/signalphabet.htm
I would suggest going to your library and finding a sign language for kids book. I used to be into languages too when I was little, and there were some really cool ones.
well thats great my mom is deaf so i know sign languauge here is the website there are pictures of hands for the letters and there is some other things too http://deafness.about.com/od/basics/ss/signalphabet.htm
I would suggest going to your library and finding a sign language for kids book. I used to be into languages too when I was little, and there were some really cool ones.