who knows sign language?

i am interested in learning sign language, however i would like to know how difficult it is to learn..? i don’t know any sign language at all and i could sign up for sign language 1 next year. (strictly for my benefit and curiosity) i would like the class to be more fun rather than work. so i guess my questions are

is learning sign language hard? is it easier than learning other languages ( french, spanish..)

is it fun?

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  1. Well, learning is truly a personal thing….it could be easy for you, or it could be hard.

    Personally speaking, I LOVE sign language. It was easy to learn and its always fun to do!

    I struggled with spanish constantly, but my hands can fly with sign language.

    Its pretty easy if you can view a picture and mimic it.

    Good luck and happy signing

  2. It’s not hard…altho depending on how fluent you want to become, there is a lot to learn. Depends on your teacher. I had a great one with a great sense of humor and rather than just teach signs, he explained why certain signs were created for certain words. There are some websites that teach a little, and of course there’s always the library. Be sure to learn finger spelling first, because if you can’t remember a sign, you can always finger spell it. I think you would have fun!

  3. Learning any language is hard work. Sign language has absolutely no speaking; it consists of mostly hand signs and facial expression, but your body movement plays a big role in signing as well. It’s extremely hard, but extremely fun and worth it. I’m in an ASL class this year for school and I have so much difficulty in the class, but it’s so fun that it’s hard for me to even think about switching out of the class. For some people it’s easier to learn, it just depends on what kind of learner you are. If you’re a visual learner and can take hard criticism, you’ll do fine in the class.

    Overall, I’d say it’s worth it and I definitely encourage you to at least try it out!

  4. sign language is not difficult as we think. it is called ICQ-I seek you. it is used in the Internet.
    for example, we can use “2” instead of “to””too”; we can use “U” instead of “you”. we can also use “pic””mic””lol” and so on. On the other hand, we can use 🙂 (*^_^*) ^^; 🙁
    isn’t it very easy?

  5. ‘sign language’ is not ONE language. There are vastly different forms of manual languages- a person who speaks american sign language might not understand a single thing that a person who signs british sign language might say.

    I’m fluent in a few spoken and manual languages, and for me, sign language was easier, but that’s because I’m DeafBlind.

    One benefit that I can think of is being able to, as a hearing person, immerse yourself into Deaf culture- you can’t usually do that with ethnic cultures, related to the spoken language you’ve mentioned.

  6. It’s completely different from spoken languages. I think if you tend to be a very visual person, you will take to it more easily than others will. For me it was pretty easy. But I’ve met many people who drop out because they think it’s very hard. Also, it’s very easy to learn basics, because you don’t have to congugate verbs as you do in other languages. But ASL has this tricky little unique feature called “Classifiers” which are difficult if you’re not a visual learner. There’s a lot of body language and facial expression that are intrinsic to the grammar. There are a lot of nuances to the language, and It’s hard to become fluent. I think you should give it a try and see what you think. I think it’s a lot more fun than other languages. So much so that I went on to become a sign language interpreter.

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