In high school, Spanish and French are examples of foreign language courses. Should sign language also be taught too?
I’ve always thought that it should be taught in schools.
I meant that it should be taught as a language course
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I think that it should. I mean, sign language is probably more useful than say, French or German. It should definitely count for a foreign language.
Definitely. I mean, it’s a language that one doesn’t normally speak, making it foreign. I have a friend who is fluent in English and sign language and is considered bilingual.
Well, not really. I think that it would be a good idea to offer it in schools, but it’s not really a foreign language, since it is another medium for the English language. Therefore, it is not foreign by definition of the word. However, I do think it could be offered as a language course by itself, but I don’t think it should count for foreign lanugage credit.