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  1. Everytime you say something that baby would recognise, use the sign too.

    We use ‘all gone’ all the time and ‘cup’ ‘milk’ and loads of foods too.

  2. It’s really just about saying the word outloud and using the sign in front of their face as you say it. So say, “Baby wants a drink?” and do the sign for one of those words….baby or drink. Be consistant and use the sign repeatedly while saying the word. Your baby will pick up on it. I think the signs for “more” “milk” “hungry” are the most useful!

  3. it’s easy just like learning to read or learning to speak!
    when saying words just use the sign and start having them use the sign to tell you what they want.
    signs like i(point to self), want(hands palm up move towards body). milk(cow horn). or sleep, hungry, eat, drink, play, television
    just using signs with/for everyday words will get them in to his/her head
    there are movies they can watch(baby signing time is a good one), classes you can take

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