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  1. That’s a good idea. Babies become smarter and faster learners if you teach them to sign. Some even end up signing before they can talk. There are many signing shows and books. Go to your library and check some out.

  2. I worked at a daycare for 2 years and we always used sign language, it made it so much easier. The kids were able to tell me things they wanted when they couldnt say it verbally. It always teaches manners at an early age. Signing “please” was our big one!
    There are tons of books out there for you to look into!
    I highly recommend it

  3. There’s this kids program on cbeebies. The guy Justin signs everything. Watching that could be a fun way to learn.

    Heres a link to the website.

  4. I recommend Baby Signs: How To Talk With Your Baby Before Your Baby Can Talk by Lisa Acredolo and Susan Goodwyn. My sister – in – law, who is also a speech pathologist, recommended it to me when my son was born. He was signing by 6 months old, and I strongly believe that it enhanced his verbal skills.

  5. Hey,
    I bought my DVDs from here there great. Good luck!!!

    How can Signing Time help your children?
    Would you like to communicate with your child before they can talk?
    Do you want to increase your child’s reading and language abilities?
    Scientific studies suggest that “typical” children who learn to sign:

    have higher IQ scores
    are better adjusted
    read at an earlier age
    Many parents observe that by learning to communicate earlier, the “terrible twos” are not so terrible—children can use a sign instead of throwing a tantrum to express their needs.

  6. I taught my daughter please, thank you, and more. I just showed her the sign then took her hand and did it for her. Then every time we told her to say it we did it to. She caught on pretty quick and it was very helpful. good luck!

  7. you can go to they show words and clips on basic words to start you off and it really does work! my son who is 3 cant talk and has a Development delay so his speech therapist suggested to to use Sign language so he can communicate with us simple words like “open” “more” “please” “thank-you” “all done” “apple” “mine” and it really help him ALOT! he would get frustrated and angry and cry b/c we didn’t know what he wanted…plus i think its just great for kids to learn another language even if its signing, and my other little kids are learning it as well!! GO FOR IT!!


    This is a great website to learn more about getting started with baby sign language. There are links so you can download movies for $2 each (this is WAY cheaper than everything else I found) and you can watch the founders daughter show off her skills (free). They have a facebook page and they have established classes around the country for moms and babies learning sign language. My daughter is 5 months and I am planning on teaching her some sign language also.

    PS. I hear that this helps ease some of the frustration for a toddler when they cannot vocally communicate what they need.

  9. I didn’t use a book, because I know sign, but as an experienced user I wanted to throw in that it was one of the greatest things I did as the mom to an infant. They are capable of communicating! We did basic survival words like cookie, milk, happy, please, mommy, etc. The more words I taught them, the less whining and frustration they released… which is what they’ll do if they have something to say and no way to say it!

    It’s also not at all frustrating. I didn’t ask them to repeat anything back to me. But everytime I said “milk” I said it verbally and in sign at the same time. In no time at all they would do it back to me when they wanted milk. Good luck, it’s a great decision.

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