Teaching a baby sign language, anyone practice this with their baby?

I would love to teach Jack Henry sign language, he’s 10 months old are there any cool websites that I could go to, to learn more about it, how easy is it to teach them? He already signs when he sees his bottle its funny though he does his little fingers like he’s calling a dog.

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  1. I found signing flashcards we liked, as they were also great for working on talking.

  2. yeah its the new thing all children at our preschool learn sign language, because some don’t speak so well and this is another way of communicating !!

  3. he needs to know his native language first, or else he would get screwed up later down the line. wait untill he is 3 or 4.

  4. there is classes at the local library you might want to go to. i think it is a get odea to teach a child- due to the fact if something happens and he can’t talk (er) or a family members is hurt he an sign language to someone. I done one of my boys due to his speech i went to the library and got books it is easier to teach a child than an adult i just know a few words but not many, due to personal reason i haven’t pick it up again

  5. it is litterally possible to teach a baby anything in the world. it is when your an infant that your in a..”Hyper Adaptive state”.. your body and mind are desperate for knowledge of how things should be. for example if you ring a bell every time you feed the baby. and then one day you ring the bell and dont feed the baby… the baby will be…. 0.o wtf… wheres my food…. It’s proven fact. when your an infant your like moist clay. when you grow up to about 4 years old that clay is fully molded. when your 6 the clay has hardened and now you will shape your life around it.

  6. I don’t know about web sites but I do know that repetition is good. Just keep going over things with him. He will get the hang of it. Also this works with reading. Do it as though its a game. They start liking the way they get it right. They recognize what the signs and words mean. You could probably try and get him started on both at the same time. Try a little sign language and then a little word play on paper with the same word. It will be fun for you and him.

  7. My sisters used sign language with their kids and I used it with my daughter and will use it with my son! It works and the best benefit is that children can learn to sign before they can speak, so I found I had a much less agitated child because she could communicate in a way I could understand. Simple words like “more” and “please” and “all done” and “thank you”. Babies are sponges. They pick it up very quickly. Make sure you verbally say the words when you sign them and also when your baby signs them.

    I included a website that I just found, but I used a book called “On Becoming Baby Wise”

  8. 10 months is the optimal time – they can pick up signs in just a few weeks. The main thing is you have to be very persistent – say and sign the word every time you do it. They say the best signs to start with are “more”, “milk”, and “eat”, and move on from there. Some good websites are:


    The second one has a video dictionary, which is very useful since most of the signs involve moving your hands in some way. We also have a book called Baby Sign language for Dummies, though I really feel like the websites have just as much info. As well as the dictionary, make sure you check out the tips on getting started – there are some good hints to know, like you should start with dissimilar signs, or they might get confused.

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