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  1. Hey i love your video there is a boyin my grade hes actually one of my bff and he is deaf so i have to use sign to talk to him!!!!!!!!

  2. @moxeygirl430 no way. allyballybabe is not as great as some people think she is- check out zephyreros’s version. Allyballybabe took a lot of her signs from him on it, and ewitteborg is amazing. Just input from a CODA.

  3. that very good i lost all my hearing when i was about 8 years old and i had no chocie to start learing how to sing but then i got a choclear implan so now i can hear but the problm is now if i have a hard time signing so now i need to re learn how to sign

  4. Hi there. 🙂

    I think it’s great that you’re learning to sign. it’s an amazing and beautiful language to learn. But as you know already, I believe, this is not ASL, and your labeling it as such is misleading to those who are completely clueless. As a beginning ASL student, you are not qualified to be -teaching- this.

    Please keep signing and posting videos, but remember that you are a student and not a teacher. This is not YOUR language.

  5. I agree, this is not ASL and should be renamed, but there IS a need for signed english.
    Why? Some people already knowing english go deaf at an older age, or just have impaired hearing, and WISH to follow peoples conversation as close to the english they know as possible sometimes.
    I’d say it’s a bit like reading japanese written with english letters. It’s not at all the same as reading the pictogram words, but it’s a LOT easier for us to learn /understand. Signed english performs the same task!

  6. @Kapilka2 What I meant by “This is not ASL” is that ASL is actually its own language with own grammatical features. What this girl showed through her video is more of a PSE/English signing. (which means, you take the word-for-word and translate the signs to match words.) ASL uses more of a structure that is conceptual. Picture-like.
    Oh, and while I’m writing this, I see that someone else commented back below.
    You can my close video by searching ibanezgirl28 =)

  7. i like this but its to fast and i learn when im taught in a certain speed and this is TOO FAST.!!.*

  8. it is like drawing stick figures and then calling it art. and then showing everyone else how to make this so called art. this is not an ASL tutorial…

  9. @Kapilka2
    ASL is the true language of the Deaf. Anything else, such as PSE or SEE is a signing SYSTEM, not a language. ASL has its’ own structure and grammar. Deaf think conceptually, not in English words or sentences. That’s why this is frustrating. This little gal is posting this as ASL, it isn’t, but people don’t know the difference and will copy her style. True ASL is dying because of it.

  10. @BBMCproductions
    I agree. Either remove it or label it “Signed English.” Sadly, this is why the language of the Deaf has been butchered. Someone takes a few sign language calsses, posts a video, and you can see by some of the responses, think this gal is a pro.
    Seriously, I’m not trying to be mean, but your inflated ego is going to cost a lot of people a lot of confusion.

  11. PSE – what’s that? call me dumb, but I’ve never heard of it. I’m assuming it’s a lot like SEE?

  12. I honestly think you should take this off of Youtube. This is not ASL. You are signing English.

  13. hey, for a while now i wanted to learn sign language but i cant seem to find anything useful on the internet. you seem to know a lot about this, could you reccomend anyway i could learn it. also what do you mean when you say this is not asl, sryy im just confuesed

  14. I know I had commented in your actual video about this really being PSE but I’m only stressing it because Deaf people are very proud of their ASL language. If you advertise this as ASL some may comment and make suggestions, but others may be offended.

  15. Also, you say “lightning bug”. No, that’s just so horribly wrong. You should have used CL’s to make a sign.

  16. Don’t advertise your songs as “ASL” when you aren’t following the grammar or cultural norms. You use signed english and it is very clear by watching you sign that you are hearing.

  17. Yeah. i am still learning so some songs i sign in PSE and others i get actual ASL. haha

  18. I’m not trying to be critical, but there is a difference between ASl and the structure that you are using. There is nothing wrong with signing PSE, which is what you are using, but you may want to be cautious about doing a tutorial labeled ASL. You are teaching incorrectly and it can cause problems for others in the future. If you would like to see this song in true ASL, watch the ASL version by allyballybabe. I hope you will continue learning sign language because your PSE is fine.

  19. This is really great. I just may have to use this with my 4th graders for their talent show. It would be a great song for them to learn to sign and you teach it very well. Do you mind?

  20. Isn’t the Gloss the words in exact order of the signs, writing or typed in this case (similar to subtitles)? This song is not in ASL, it is in PSE I believe.Pidgin Sign, meaning ASL vocabulary but in Exact English word order. ASL would have different grammar rules than what you used for this song. Not criticizing just trying to be helpful and clarify the definitions. 🙂

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