Teach Your Baby Sign Language – Three Awesome Reasons to Teach a Baby to Sign

Teach your baby sign language and you just might see some other awesome things happen. How can simple signs make such a big difference in a child’s life? Below you will find out three reasons to teach a baby to sign and just how drastically even knowing a few words can change both your lives. It can be a lot of fun, and I think you will be shocked at how simple it really is.

1. Happier Baby: This reason alone should encourage you to teach your baby to sign. When a baby learns to communicate with you by signing, it decreases their frustration level which will lead to fewer tantrums. Young babies are smart enough to communicate, but they still lack the ability to control vocaization, sign language bypasses that inability and allows them to communicate with you easily. If they don’t know how to tell you what they want or need the result is going to be a lot of crying and tears of frustration.

2. Learn to Speak Sooner: Studies have shown that babies who learn how to sign talk faster than those who do not, plus they often can pick up foreign languages a lot easier as they get older too. By using their brain power at a younger age and exercising those muscles it can possibly lead to a higher IQ; regardess of the outcome their are definitely no negative sides to teaching a baby how to sign.

3. Opens Their World: You will be amazed by how much learning sign language can open the world to your baby. They grow up fast and learning this skill early on is something they can use for a lifetime. It helps them grasp the English language sooner, gives them a way to express themselves before they even have the ability to talk, and will come in handy years down the road when you need to communicate with your child in public. Just as a foreign language gives them an edge to others around them, an ability not everyone has, sign language can do the same.

In the article above you learned why you should teach your baby sign language and just 3 of the many benefits of doing so. When your child learns to communiate with you using sign language, it makes for a much happier baby who gets frustrated far less and throws fewer tantrums. Babies tend to learn how to speak sooner when they use their brain power to communiate through sign and learning how to talk with their hands really opens the world up to them. They may even develop a higher IQ because of their new vocabulary and some tend to learn more foreign languages later in life with greater ease because of it.


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