Free Dunstan baby language dvd trial

How Babies Communicate

Babies will start to communicate long before they know any words. They will use facial expressions such as smiling to indicate happiness, and do it again. They will cry for a number of different reasons such as hunger, dirty diaper, tiredness, or just wanting to be held. As you get to know your baby, you will quickly be able to discern which cry means what. Babies will also ‘coo’ to tell you they feel good from the first month on.

As the babies get a bit older, they will start to communicate in different ways, because they will have begun to discover their own voices. As they discover their voices, you may hear squeals, grunts, and gurggles. Again, as the parent, you will know your child well enough to know what they are communicating to you at that time.
When a baby is between six to ten months in age,this is the range where they will begin to join sounds together so you may hear them communicating to you through ‘babab’s’ or ‘dadada’s’. At the older end of this range, you will see them pointing and reaching for things. You can probably figure out what that means.

When a baby is around nine months of age, a parent can begin to teach their baby a new way of communicating and that is through sign language. They are able as young as nine months to learn and understand simple signs such as ‘eat or hungry’,’finished’, ‘please’, and ‘thank you’. As they get into their first year, you can start teaching them short phrases in sign language such as ‘eat please’, or ‘finished thank you’. Teaching babies this from a very young age is great for both the parents and the baby. The babies, still unable to use words, can tell their parents exactly what they want, and parents can understand them and their needs, thus eliminating, the stress and frustration for the baby not being able to use the words verbally needed, and the parent trying to understand what they are needing.

To learn more about how babies communicate and to get a free trial of the dustan baby language dvd visit


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