How old do they have to be?
How do you teach them?
Also, like I mean if they hear?
I have another question that this brings to my mind. How do you teach a deaf baby Sign Language?
Sign Language Lessons, Information, Product Reviews and Tips to Get Started Learning ASL
How old do they have to be?
How do you teach them?
Also, like I mean if they hear?
I have another question that this brings to my mind. How do you teach a deaf baby Sign Language?
In the same fashion that babies learn how to speak. They start associating certain words/signs to a certain object. For example, if you were to sign “water” while being around water, over time, that child will learn to recognize that that certain sign means “water”. Deaf babies learn in the same way. It’s best if you start at a young age, since language learning is best at those times.
Teach deaf baby with sign language just like you teach your hearing baby.
But the baby will not show sign language so clear until 5 years old.
All my kids are not deaf but their first language was American Sign Language, then later speak English.
Just like Asian babies can pick up their foods with chop sticks.
Hope this helps.
My sister taught her son sign language VERY early, before six months I believe. All she did was make the sign while saying the word. For example, she yould ask him, “Do you want some milk?” (saying the word milk slightly louder) and make the sign for milk before giving him any. He learned very quickly that if he wanted milk all he had to do was make the sign, and was able to be very clear about what he wanted. She did that with a few other signs (done, more, and dirty come to mind first, although there were several others.) By the time he was about one, he had replaced most of the signs with baby words, but still used his signs once in a while.
For a deaf child, it would probably be the same process, simply without the need of speaking. If you make the sign for milk immediately before breast feeding many times in a row, the baby will quickly learn that the sign means “milk” or “food.”
You make the gesture while saying the word….just like babies have associated waving their hands when saying “bye”