Recommend a site for a few basic pointers on sign language for babies?

I can Google up plenty of A/BSL sites, plenty of sites that would like to sell me two books, six DVDs and three posters about teaching babies sign language, but not much that just has a few pointers.

I just want the basics, I think — nurse, dipe, that sort of thing…

Any advice on the whole deal is welcome, though.

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  1. I just found this website 2 days ago, we just started using it. It’s very easy to do.

  2. Here is one that is all online. It looks to me to be free so it’s worth a look.

    I hope it helps! I got lucky and found a good baby sign language book at Once Upon a Child and it was only 75 cents! We don’t plan on going over board with it so we didn’t want to pay a whole lot either. Good luck!

  3. try these, about 100 based on ASL…

    you can navigate around to find more than the 10 words…
    baby signs are just ASL, simplified…

  4. That is very odd, just 2 days ago i was looking this up after i saw a question about it, and also found alot of websites selling books.
    So i didnt find anything great explaning it, but i found this video which is great —- — He’s only 15 months.

  5. We sign some basic words with our son. I was taught a few signs by a friend of mine but have learned lots more from the “baby signing time” dvds. I ordered the first and second ones and my son (17 months old) really, really loves watching them. He watches the whole thing start to finish which he doesn’t do with any other tv shows or movies. I really think they are worth the money.

    Before the dvds we had taught him to sign “more” “milk” and “please”. Now he can also sign “eat”, “banana”, “thank you” , “hurt”, and “fish”. Also its nice that I have been able to learn all the signs from the dvd so that I can use them throughout the day to try and teach him more words.

    Sorry – i know this seems like an ad for the dvds but i have been really pleased with them! 🙂

  6. i bought baby einstiens for my son and i think its the 6 month old one and its all about sign language…mommy, daddy, play…simple things like that and my son loves it. its gives me 30 minutes of sanity

  7. I’m w/ ember halo… that life print site is great!!!

    just pick what you want!

    I did:
    milk = nursing
    bathroom = diaper (my 4 yr old will still use it, when we’re in public and she does not want to announce she needs to go potty!)
    more = more
    hurt = did this w/ touching the area that was in pain – was an awesome one!!!

    we did these 4, pretty exclusively in the beginning… nursing, diapers, and expressing pain for me was the most important things I wanted to know!!! later we branched out into more

    I didn’t need anything fancy… this site was enough. and I just did them, every time I opened up my bra to nurse I did the sign for milk next to my exposed breast! every time we layed on the couch/floor for a fresh diaper, I’d do the sign for bathroom w/ one hand, fresh diaper in my other hand! I started doing it at around 3 months, only because I needed to get in the habit of it… she usually paid no attention, but then around 5 months, she’d watch my hand and smile! by 7 months, she was trying to mimic the signs. by 9 months…you could hear “mamamama” from across the house, and when I’d come she’d be doing the milk sign w/ both hands while chanting “mamamama.”

  8. Definitely see: and/or

    Totally free site and nothing to buy at all. The info is great there and very detailed on just about anything you might have to ask about baby sign language, how to learn it, when to start it, how to show your baby the signs, etc.

    Baby Sign Language is an amazing communication tool for babies and parents, and caregivers. So much less frustration. We used it and our son never even went through the ‘terrible twos’.

    We strongly believe that this is because he had no frustrations with communicating his wants and needs. He could talk by this time, but if it was a huge word he wasn’t accustomed to (say for instance, elephant, playground, or auntie katie), then he could easily sign it and we’d instantly know.

    It never harmed his speech, and if anything, it made him want to speak even more! I think they realize that once the signing works, and the speaking is what everyone else does, he’s even more so motivated to communicate on all levels possible.

    It’s really amazing and wonderful, gosh. To know what they are thinking, waaaaaay before they could ever vocalize it. You wouldn’t believe the things your baby already knows and understands. Her vocal chords just aren’t formed yet.

    That would frustrate ANYONE!

    I’m very happy you and your baby will have this rewarding and bonding experience. Good luck and best wishes! 🙂

  9. go to or
    they are not baby sign sites but they have little video clips of each “vocabulary word” you click on it and it plays the sign over and over. It’s much easier than learning from a book.
    Good luck

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