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  1. ya’ll need to stop hating. dont’ correct someone all public. obviously ur listening to him. the point is to get the point across this ain’t class. let it be slang w/e.

  2. @pinkphish93 im deaf. i have deaf family. i know what is right and wrong. im not agruing with you or anything lol. some of deaf people has their own different sign language so its cool.

  3. He signed sex as in gender. Not as in intercourse. I had a deaf friend that explained it to me a long time ago.

  4. ur sign for whore is wrong, and asshole. its not ur fault. whatever who taught u is retarded.

  5. Most your signs are wrong, the sign you’re using for sex is sex as in gender. The word fuck and asshole are also different.

  6. Noticed that you are most in the intereest are sexual and swear that you want do it be yourself, HAAAA

  7. Check what thesocialcircle said about the position of “B” on the chin. Also you only tap “B” on your chin once for bitch – for breakfast, you can tap the chin a few times.

  8. B a little bit to the side is breakfast, in the middle is bitch.

    Like the difference between voice and vodka.

  9. Your whore and ass hole signs are old, and you used the wrong sex sign, that one means gender not the actual action of intercourse. that is 2 V hands, in front of your chest, palms facing and push them together and pull them apart repeatedly. that is actual “having sex”

  10. The sign I learned for bitch was to drag an index finger down the side of your face, then you bring your hand down to your leg and snap your fingers before tapping your leg once, as if you were calling a dog to you.

    Like another poster said, I learned B on the chin meant breakfast.

  11. i am deaf and i use asl…i’ve never seen that sign for whore…and asshole. these signs are old.

  12. lol That was awesome. I’m still learning and they don’t quit cover that in class. hahaha.

  13. lol. thanks. however, i think you did sex wrong. i think the sex you used means gender.

  14. Hey where are you from or where have you learned if you don’t mind me asking? I know some signs are regional..but I sign some different than what you have signed or in addition to. Maybe I am just old school 🙂

  15. my signing tutor taught me bitch once, and he used a B but swiped it across the nose,lol and no he wasn’t talking about me, he used it to refere to a girl across the room who was throwing a fit over nothing

  16. In my exposure to ASL, all those signs are right. Except for penis. I’ve seen that one signed differently.

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