Baby Sign Language-Fireese teaches a baby sign language

PLEASE VOTE FOR ME!! I’veentered the Savvy Mom Entrepreneur contest and if you are viewing this and take a minute to go and vote for me you can help me win! Thank you sooo much for your help! Fireese at 18 months teaching Sidney (6 months) some of the signs she knows. For more info and videos visit Join our baby sign language FACEBOOK group where you can post questions and get great resources For parents; learn how to sign with your baby videos: or babies and children I recommend Signing Time videos, flashcards and books. You can access these by going to And finally for an amazing information site on baby sign language visit:

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  1. She is such a clever little girl! You must be a great mum! It is very cute watching her look at the cards and do her wee signs! Awesome to watch..i had never seen a toddler do this, but have heard a lot about baby sign language!

  2. Your amazing! Im 17y/o & fluent in sign. my mom never taught me at a young age… i had to learn it on my own! My dream is to either be an interpreter or a teacher for deaf education. My 26 year old sister is pregnant and Im going to teach the baby ASL, this is vital in my case because if I ever decide to adopt a deaf child, as cousins they will be able to communicate. Im doing my sr project on deaf ed I could use some help. I know sign & D/hh people, but know absolutely nothing on deaf ed

  3. @Greatfumom Thank you! It is never too late to start 🙂 My daughter is 4 and a half and still loves to sign. The alphabet is a perfect thing to start teaching your son.

  4. Wow, I watched Fireese videos and i’ve learned a lot. I have a 2 year old son, is it too late to teach him? i really what to learned and teach him sign language. Thanks again, you are an inspiration. God bless you!

  5. Hi! I’m really inspired by you, I watch fireese videos. I have a 2year old son, and i really want to teach him sign language, is it too late for my son to learned? Thanks! God bless you and your family.

  6. @romesblood Thanks! I started with both my kids when they were 4 months old but you can start anytime! If you go to my channel there is a link to an article I wrote about how to sign with your baby 🙂

  7. @inlove15mwah Thanks 🙂 Sidney is my friend’s son. I know have a little boy who is almost one. It’s nice to hear a 16 year old say that her mom is great! 🙂

  8. is sidney your child too? just curious.. btw i admire you being Firesee’s mom.. I’m just a 16 year old lady,, and your an inspiration.. ^.^ maybe if i grew up and hav my own bunch of kids,, i will definitely teach them SL too..(y am i thinking about havin babies,, im just 16.) btw.. ur a great mom,, but my mom is great too.. LOL.:)

  9. This is amazing such a clever girl you have you must be very proud!
    My baby is 3 months is this too early to start? I sign when I talk is this the best way?

  10. @LaurasLucky Thank you 🙂 I found two good times to teach her at that age. One was during meal time when she was sitting in her high chair. She seemed to be more focused then. You can teach them food signs. Another time was when we were reading books or playing with toys. I would show her the signs in the book or the toys she was playing with. The important thing is to be consistent. Every time you say a specific word make the sign. You can also take their hands and show them how to make it.

  11. Your daughter is very smart an so cute. I have watched a lot of your videos an would love to teach my boys. i have been tryin to teach my two sons ( ages 1 & 2) signs but its not working out very well, they don’t seem to pay much attention. They get side tracked very easily. how did you manage to get her to pay some attention an pick it up? :o)

  12. @considereden I started teaching her the ABCs. I would sign and sing the ABCs. Then I would hold up my hand in the shape of an A and say A, once she knew A I would add in B and go back and forth from A to B and so on until she knew all the letters. I then started doing the same thing with the sounds of the letters. Once she knew all the sounds we would then put them together. I would hold up a C + A + T and she would sound out CAT for ex. Go slowly and wait until they have each step mastered

  13. I just started signing with my 13 month old and he’s picking it up so quick! I have to hurry and learn more signs so he has something to learn. How in the world did you teach her to read so early? What was your daily routine like- I want to copy you! 🙂

  14. frieese is so cute and such an awesome vocabulary for an 18 month old. i love how well signing work for kids to talk to us. i have done signing with all the kids i work with trough nannying and now teaching older infants in a preschool. sing language is such a wonderful tool to use with young kid.

  15. @lovelyxxlife You’d be surprised at how much they pick up even if they aren’t sitting and watching you. Fireese didn’t sign back to me until she was 9.5 months old and then at 11 months her signing exploded. Keep it up and be consistent! 🙂

  16. Frieese is so adorable. My baby is 8 months old she is going to be 9 months old. But i dont think she wants to learn sign language she crawls away when i try to teach her.

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