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  1. @allyballybabe cuz they’re deaf…. not mute… theres a sign for deaf…u know ears closed mouth closed then theres the sign for hearing

  2. wow this is soo good i think i might do it for my asl class if you dont mind of course 🙂 im in asl 2 and itll be a challenge

  3. hm, tough question. i would just say “someone who cant talk due to injury” but all of my Deaf friends and the Deaf population im familiar with do not like the term “mute”

  4. thank you for those constructive comments! i will definitely take those into consideration for my next piece! take a look at “Fireflies” and let me know what you think!

  5. @allyballybabe I don’t find the term offensive when used in the way it was used here. This person was using the term to describe someone who physically cannot talk, not deaf people. That’s why they included deaf AND mute, to cover all bases. People who physically cannoy talk also use sign language to communicate.

  6. everyone else says it and i’ll say it again, awesome job, you interpret very well in my opinion, keep it up girl 🙂

  7. Hi alibaby~ check out ewitteborg Gorgeous ASL. Want to second top comment above. SH

  8. Good job, remember to analyze the content and not do it verbatum.
    Lastly, and easily corrected. Don’t waste the musical break by just standing there. That’s an opportunity for you to clarify the message of the song while keeping people interested in the song.

  9. hm, i dont ever really switch dominant hands.
    unless my right hand is busy.

    i did get a new laptop though, and the camera switches the picture so it makes it look like im signing left handed.

  10. WOW! great job! i thought it would be impossible to keep up with such a fast paced song, although i did notice one thing, are you left or right hand dominant? ive seen you use both while signing and you tend to switch a little bit and i was curious, in my ASL 1 and 2 class, we are taught to sign dominantly with the hand we write with and stick to it, she gets mad if we switch hands sometimes lol. Just something i noticed and wondered about lol. great vids! i love watching them!! 😀

  11. I did not know this. Out of curiosity (and for future reference) what is an appropriate term for an individual who cannot speak due to injury or illness &c?

  12. Did you mean it was me that offended u? If u did then I’m sorry! I didn’t mean someone who is deaf, I meant somewhere who literally can’t talk, like for some physical reason such as a disease or something.

  13. true and we dont even use that word at all its crazy but we are really nice and welcoming people but idk why people freeze around us

  14. I’m deaf in one ear and I’m learning sign I’m doing ok but not as good as you man lol so you dont have to be deaf just to sign I knew sign before I lost my hearing in my ear i knew the alphabet at least lol but great job

  15. omg that was insanely good, i mean their are so many complications to signing that song and u really nailed it. Mega-props!

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