Beats writing notes in class. Also you can pick up deaf dudes.
i started to learn sign language when i was 12 and i loved it. you might want to learn it in case you meet someone that is deaf and you could talk to them..which is really fun. I like it because my friend and i can sign to each other and no one else knows what i am saying!!!!!
its a great thing to know
its always beneficial to learn another language. I took three years of sign language, I’ve only used it once, but it was still worth it since I never paid for the class.
I would try a spoken language tho, sign language is easy but can only be used in America since every country has their own version of sign language.
It is great to learn other languages. It will help you in finding a job in the future, You might seem more qualified if you know other ways of comminicating
Sign language is concidered a language so you would be concidered bi-ligual, plus if you ever wanted to be an interpreter you would get paid big bucks- I know someone who gets $80 an hour for signing for deaf people in court.
If you wanna learn sigm lanuage – go for –
As to benefits
1 – When your older you may be able to get work as a translater.
2 – You would be able to read to those who have less sight or no sight
3 – It will give you a good understanding in what unsighted people have to go without.
Good on you
Should be compulsory in schools
Good Luck Lov
LEARN IT. As a retired fire fighter,I do remember on a couple of occasions where being able to just sign ‘you will be okay’ would have been great
You will never know how much this can help you in the future , especially at 14 , but if you have a chance at this , you didn’t say anything about school credits , it can never hurt you to know something.Who knows , you may even save a life or be able to find a car in the parking lot because of it. Have a nice day !
Beats writing notes in class. Also you can pick up deaf dudes.
i started to learn sign language when i was 12 and i loved it. you might want to learn it in case you meet someone that is deaf and you could talk to them..which is really fun. I like it because my friend and i can sign to each other and no one else knows what i am saying!!!!!
its a great thing to know
its always beneficial to learn another language. I took three years of sign language, I’ve only used it once, but it was still worth it since I never paid for the class.
I would try a spoken language tho, sign language is easy but can only be used in America since every country has their own version of sign language.
It is great to learn other languages. It will help you in finding a job in the future, You might seem more qualified if you know other ways of comminicating
Sign language is concidered a language so you would be concidered bi-ligual, plus if you ever wanted to be an interpreter you would get paid big bucks- I know someone who gets $80 an hour for signing for deaf people in court.
If you wanna learn sigm lanuage – go for –
As to benefits
1 – When your older you may be able to get work as a translater.
2 – You would be able to read to those who have less sight or no sight
3 – It will give you a good understanding in what unsighted people have to go without.
Good on you
Should be compulsory in schools
Good Luck Lov
LEARN IT. As a retired fire fighter,I do remember on a couple of occasions where being able to just sign ‘you will be okay’ would have been great
You will never know how much this can help you in the future , especially at 14 , but if you have a chance at this , you didn’t say anything about school credits , it can never hurt you to know something.Who knows , you may even save a life or be able to find a car in the parking lot because of it. Have a nice day !