If a chimpanzee can communicate through the use of sign language and understand commands, does it have languag

If a chimpanzee can communicate through the use of sign language and understand commands, does it have language?

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  1. Most of animals have language, what they lack (or we’re too over our heads to aknowledge anyways) is the ability to reason.

  2. is itself a language and sincerely speaking it is the mother tongue of all huaman beings

  3. Anything used to convey a need or emotion, whether verbal or non-verbal is considered a language.

    Body Language
    Sign Language
    Programming Language? sort of. Except that you convey that need from a higher level, to a low level bits, and ultimately the output shows you what you want.

  4. Some chimps have learned as many as 500 words, but they don’t have a language in the sense that they cannot put together a coherent sentence on their own. They can learn phrases like a parrot (through rote training) but they cannot free form sentences on their own.

    Langauge is an art, something chimps don’t have. Learning a number of words is one thing, having the ability to weave them together to communicate ideas is another.

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