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  1. Yes pretty easy. You don’t have to learn all of the signs at once; just a few at a time. Then once the baby learns those you look up a few more and start teaching those.

    My son took about 3 months after I started teaching him to make his first sign 🙂

  2. Yes, it’s very easy. Google it and you can find pictures and videos demonstrating the signs. You just work on a few at a time and then gradually add more in. It’s not hard at all.

  3. My son picked up on it pretty quick. I hear it’s really good to teach it to them because they get control over their hands before they are able to talk and it sure made life a lot easier for us when he was growing up.

  4. It is pretty simple. It takes a little while before babies have the capability to sign, though. My son is 12 months, and he does about 3 signs (more, milk, and eat). I have always heard that you can introduce signing to a baby around 6 months, but I waited until 8 months.

  5. It’s not difficult by any means. However, I would be more interested in teaching actual sign language (ASL if you’re in the United States) rather than buying into programs that teach baby specific signs for ‘baby sign language’. Make sure it is based on the actual language. Your child will benefit from it later – and so might the people he comes in contact with in school, in public or even in the workplace once they’re older.

    You’d be surprised just how many deaf people there are and just how wonderful it is when they find out that you can speak their language. 😉

  6. It’s relatively easy. My brother and all his friends are deaf and they all have children under 5 that I must admit are pretty fluent in sign. My niece is 3 and can sign her name and her alphabet and other things like that. Also, I’ve been signing since I was small. But as far as the person recommending doing ASL. That’s great and all, but it’s not what deaf people sign. ASL is the proper form of sign language. Deaf people sign ‘slang.’

  7. Both of my parents were deaf and I learned it quickly. I can’t even remember being taught it. My son now learns almost a new sign each day. I did not expect it to be that easy but it is. It is very good to tech your baby sign and for it to be there 2nd language. Did you know interpreters get paid about $100 an hour

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