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  1. Maturity has nothing to do with knowledge. Maturity is how you react, think, and treat other people. It does show, however, you are a fast learner. Congratulations.

  2. I don’t think it’s necessarily maturity. There are plenty of people who grow up learning two or three languages as children and are fluent in all of them.

    I think it’s a sign of worldliness and an ability to communicate and live and work internationally. It shows you are open minded and willing to work to learn a new and valuable skill.

  3. Growing up bilingual simply gives you an edge in learning further languages, maturity is totally uninvolved. You mught be very mature, but that has nothing to do with your language skills.
    I know, at 20 I was fluent in Italian, English and French!
    Congrats anyway

  4. Ah! non! Maturity has nothing to do with your interest in learning foreign languages….Maturity is a mindset irrespective of what language or how many languages you speak.

    you knw 3 languages fluently ..thats awesome….very good!!

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