Is American Sign Language Easy To Learn?

Please help! I am getting my A.A. degree in general ed. and I need to fulfill the foreign language requirement in order to go to Florida State University. My options are limited: French, Spanish or American Sign Language. I was leaning to Spanish but then a friend told me to go with sign language because it was easy. I don’t know what to do!! Please help!!

What is the best American Sign Language(ASL) to learn from?

I am not deaf or hard of hearing(d/hoh). I can hear pretty well. But I love sign language like you don’t even know! I think it is beautiful and a wonderful language! I have been learning it for the past year and a half. My school does not offer classes for me. So what is the best free website to learn ASL from? I would like to learn a lot of it really fast! I love it! I have been using but I do not feel like I can continue to learn like that. Please help!

ABC phonics song/sounds of letters- Canadian version

ANNOUNCING our new MSH Baby Sign Language Dictionary iPhone App: **NOTE The letter ‘P’ in this video is what your view is. When you make the sign the thumb should be facing towards your body. If you want to learn the alphabet visit our video here: *If you would like to download this video with mp3 music file you can do so here: In this video you will receive three versions of this song/video; one that teaches you the hand shapes, one that teaches you the song, and the last one teaches you the signs for the song. We use this song in our classes to teach older kids the sounds the letters make. If you teach it in conjunction with the ASL hand shapes then the child learns to recognize the hand shape and the sound that goes with it. You can then start putting the letters together to form words. **view my profile to see the American version of this song. For more info and videos visit: Joinour baby sign language FACEBOOK group where you can post questions and get great resources For parents; learn how to sign with your baby videos: And finally for an amazing information site on baby sign language visit:

what are you thoughts on baby sign language and how early to start?

I have a 4 month old baby girl and i heard that baby sign language can help motor skills move along quicker.It will also cause less frustration to you and your baby because they can get their point across even if they cant talk.what are your thoughts and do you think its to early for me to start with my daughter?