cute baby signing/baby sign language: Fireese is now 2! People often wonder if using sign language with babies will delay speech. I have posted videos of my daughter, Fireese, since she was one year. She has just turned two and I want you to see how verbal she it. Signing has not delayed her language at all For more info and videos visit: Joinour baby sign language FACEBOOK group where you can post questions and get great resources For parents; learn how to sign with your baby videos: or babies and children I recommend Signing Time videos, flashcards and books. You can access these by going to And finally for an amazing information site on baby sign language visit:

Language names in ASL- How do you say “Yiddish?”?

I recently noted in ASL that the word for “Hebrew” (the language) is synonymous with the word for Jewish (the religion).

I recently needed the word “Yiddish” though (a Jewish language which literally translated into “Jewish”). How do distinguish between the two in conversation? It generally is not clear from conversational context.

Are schools required to provide American Sign Language Interpreters for deaf students?

I worked with a student with autism for a few months in school. He was also deaf. He had an interpreter and other staff who knew quite a bit of sign language. But, I have been told there is a deaf student at an elementary school in my school district without an interpreter. (This child is also mentally handicapped.) Are there any laws, state or federal, that require schools to hire interpreters for deaf or hearing impaired students?