does anyone know a website i can learn sign language to teach my baby?

no my baby is not deaf but she seems open to learning. I saw the today show a while back and there was a little girl who i think was around one year old who could read. Her mother said she learned sign language first. I also wanted to know bc my sister has an autistic son who she wants to teach more sign language. He already knows some bc he doesnt talk. Thanks so much!

baby sign language song – Please Change Me! This song, “Please Change Me!” is an original My Smart Hands baby sign language song designed to use with key diapering signs you would teach your baby. In this song you will use a number of signs but specifically, ‘diaper, change, clean, dirty, wet, dry, up, down, mommy, daddy, grow-up, potty’ You can find an mp3 of this song as well as an instructional video on how to sign it in the description of this video. Visit our website for more info about My Smart Hands at