Has anyone tried teaching their baby sign language?

Did you know sign language before teaching your baby or did you learn along with your baby? What age did you start? What age did they start signing back? Would you recommend it? Do you think it helped your baby? Did they speak later than normal? Did you see less tantrums? What products can you recommend? Did you teach American Sign Language or did you teach a “baby” form of sign language that has some different signs than ASL? Thanks.
I was talking to a woman who uses sign language as her first language and she said that she was looking through a baby sign language book that didn’t follow ASL exactly and used some of their own signs to make words easier for babies to sign. And she said that some of the signs that they created for words were actually offensive words in ASL.

the best language learning college or institution in ny/nj?

i intend on studying french spanish and italian ..i am also interested in learning american sign language or sign language for any of the above mentioned languages.

also if anyone has any tips on learning new languages i would really appreciate it
thank you.

Where can I learn what the baseball signals mean?

I’ll be watching baseball and all of a sudden they would should the manager doing some crazy signals to the players and then I would be like WTF? But the players know what the hell he is saying. It is like a sign language. Where can I learn this language because I would love to implement something like this in a soccer game. Or does every team have a different bunch of signals. Someone please clearify this for me.