Fireese will be in a Baby Signing Time video! Rachel Coleman of Signing Time personally called us to ask if Fireese would be in the next Baby Signing Time video! Signing Time also did a special feature on me and Fireese thanks to the popularity that You Tube has brought us and baby sign language in general! Thank you everyone! Please stop by our website to read our Signing Time Blog. For more info and videos visit Joinour baby sign language FACEBOOK group where you can post questions and get great resources For parents; learn how to sign with your baby videos: For babies and children I recommend Signing Time videos, flashcards and books. You can access these by going to And finally for an amazing information site on baby sign language visit:

what differences are there between american sign-language and other nations sign-languages?

I wanna learn the deaf ( sign) language ….. Are there majore differences between american sign language or other nation’s sign lang. ? I mean…it’s only signs describing actions or things… Isn’t it a universal language?

Jonathan Coulton – Christmas is Interesting – ASL Song

“Christmas is Interesting” by Jonathan Coulton, performed in sign language by Stephen Torrence. This is Song #3 of December Song Week. Merry Christmas, everyone! Lyrics/gloss below as always. You have put on your feety pajamas YOU WEAR PJ WITH FEET Its time for a long winters nap NOW….

Teaching sign language to a 14 month old?

My wife has been teaching my son sign language and he has caught on pretty quick. But, I am concerned since he is learning sign language will this have some type of affect on his speech abilities? Because he can talk(or babble) normal. My wife is just teaching him sign language because she says this will make him smarter.

I’m learning American Sign Language by myself, but I’ve realized what’s the use of it?

So, where can I use my knowledge of sign language?
I don’t know any deaf people, and I live in the Philippines( I don’t know if we use ASL here or some other sign languages)