Can you give me a website that helps with sign language? I dont mean every letter in the alphabet i mean like words? I dont know im trying to learn sign language anything would help i guess. Anyways thanks if you answer and if you read it only thanks for taking your time to read this.
ps- links would help alot 🙂
look up ASL, the american sign language website.
I think it’s great that you’re trying to learning Sign Language. It’s a fun and easy language to learn. Try this site:
you can also go to the LIBRARY and check out books and read them as well… also check to see if you have an LD in your local school that may be able to help….(Learning Disabled Class) with more info on the subject!!! or lend you a book or two!!
try that one. good luck with your sign language. i did know alittle bit but once i moved away from my friend who was deaf i forgot alot of it. if that site doenst help google “sign language video dictionary”