i have been looking for a sign language book/CD on ebay so i can learn sign language, but all that comes up is “american sign language”. could someone please tell me if american sign language is the sign language used in australia?
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No, it is not. Search for Australian sign language. If you’re looking for Aboriginal sign language, then search for that. They’re different.
no signs languages aren’t the same in australia and in america and it’s also different in english (GB) or french… It change with the culture or the country and if you learn american sign language english sign user won’t understand you.
Sign language is not a universal language. Anotherwords sign language is different for each country as well as different variations (dialects) in the US too. The answer is no American Sign Language-ASL is not the sign language used in Australia. AUSLAN-Australian Sign Language is what you should be looking at. Here is their website:
No, sign language is different that AUSLAN
What you should do is look up books specifically on AUSLAN
Australian Sign Language (Auslan) – Trevor Johnston & Adam Schembri
this book is an introduction to the linguistics
Also, The ASLIA may be able to refer you to somone who could help you.
Unfortunately there are more books written on Australlian Laws and Ethics than on Auslan Language.
Check out the ASLIA though, they have a lot of resources. it is like http://www.rid.org here in the United States.
Good Luck !!!
Sign Language People Interpreting
Santa Rosa, CA, USA