LSC-CyFair one of five colleges chosen to participate in Family Signs Program

LSC-CyFair one of five colleges chosen to participate in Family Signs Program American Sign Language students at Lone Star College-CyFair were also teachers this past semester, helping parents learn to communicate better with their Deaf children through the Family Signs Program. Read more on Cypress Sun .

Why do hardly any colleges or universities offer ASL as a language, let alone a minor or major?

Im looking around at colleges and hardly any have a sign language program. I don’t get this, since ASLis the most used language in the US after english and spanish, and some colleges have minors in greek. Some places don’t even accept it as a foreign language credit. The only places that have majors or […]

IS sign language considered as a second language in colleges in Illinois or Wisconsin?

I have been teaching myself sign language for a while now but I’m not sure if it’s going to do me any good once I get into a 4 year college (Rock Valley College, IL). Does anyone know if it could be considered a second language in this school? Or any other specific schools? .

What are some good colleges to go for when majoring in ASL?

My friend lives in a deaf household, and would like to go to college near home, which is Florida. He wants to become an interpreter and a business lawyer. He already knows Sign Language, his mother uses PSE, while the other family members use ASL. I would like to help him find some information on […]