Sprechen Zee TV ? Entertainment Learning Via Foreign Television

“Mein Hund möchte eine Schinkenrolle bitte.”* While I’m sure common phrases uttered in Austrian crime series Inspector Rex may not have helped me navigate the Viennese transport system, they did at least prime my ears to understand when to get off for the “Volksoper”. Watching non-English speaking television has benefits beyond mere entertainment. As multicultural […]

Language School Los Angeles: It’s Time To Learn Foreign Language

There are a number of reasons to study at the Language School Los Angeles and one of the most important advantage is that you remain exposed to the foreign language almost 24 hours a day! Just think about the time when you go out to eat you have to order your food in the local […]

Learn That Language Now foreign language learning ebook

Foreign language learning ebook teaches you a second language much faster than any traditional method! Revolutionary in its design, the book fully covers foreign language learning and will teach you tips, tricks, techniques and methods to get you fluent. Learn That Language Now foreign language learning ebook.

should sign language be taught in schools as a foreign language option?

I am actually pretty angry that sign language isn’t taught in schools. We learned the sign language alphabet when I was in 3rd grade but that’s all. It was not offered in high school or in my college. Now I have a health care profession and we come across deaf people all the time and […]

Where can I sign up for a foreign language class outside of public school?

I’m in high school and I live in northern Virginia. I speak both English and Spanish and I wanted to learn a language like Catalan or Italian but my high school dosen’t have these languages. Where could I sign up for a class at? I prefer a classroom enviornment better .

what foreign language should i learn at school, german, french or sign language?

i already know spanish. and why i should pick that language? ive been trying to learn russian for like the past 2 monthes, and i know well over 40 words and i don’t want to get my foreign words mixed up. .