Making it Easier to Learn German

The German language, compared to other foreign languages, is easier to comprehend even when one didn’t know what a single word means. This is because the English and German languages have similarities. A beginner can from start from this point to make the learning experience easier to understand and eventually memorize. There can be […]

what foreign language should i learn at school, german, french or sign language?

i already know spanish. and why i should pick that language? ive been trying to learn russian for like the past 2 monthes, and i know well over 40 words and i don’t want to get my foreign words mixed up. .

Which would open more doors for me, sign language or German?

American sign language or German? I grew up speaking Spanish and English and then learned French when I moved to Quebec when I was 8. I moved back to Seattle and I kind of wanted to learn another language. Which could I benefit more from in terms of the what I could use them for? […]