Why do ppl keep saying it’s hard for adults 2 learn a new language?

I hear that everywhere i go and it kinda discourages me. It makes me feel like if i try to learn or tell ppl about it, i’m automatically considered retarded just fortrying to learn because i’m 20. I mean everyone wants to learn something and get it right away but of course it doesn’t happen […]

Sign language for my “language” fufillment? How hard is it?

I’m extremely nervous about taking a second language in college. I only have to take one language class and then I am finished! I graduate!! I was never any good in speaking another language in high school. I took 3 years of spanish and I do not know how I passed. I know that if […]

Was it hard for you to learn sign? How long did it take you to teach your child?

My 2 year old has been having hearing troubles for the past year which has made it difficult for him to hear and pick up on language. Since he is 2 and can’t communicate with us, we are trying to learn sign so we can help him express what he wants. He has picked up […]