In case you think you do not know how to utilize signing then rethink that belief. Look around and you can discover practically every person is making use of some sort of signing when speaking with individuals. Perhaps a mother will be gesturing her child to be quiet in a store or a tourist that […]
Tag Archives: knows
Can someone who knows Sign Language help me out with this joke?
I just started to learn signing a few months ago and am watching all these videos but I still cannot understand half of what I see…for this one I pretty much got all of it except the punchline! Will someone please interpret this? .
Would proposing to my girlfriend in sign language is a really romantic way if she knows sign language?
Ok here is a little more detail…im waiting to propose to my girlfriend until after graduation and i was thinking on ways to propose to her and one of the ways that i thought out is that i would propose to her in sign language because she knows a lot of sign language and i […]
Can someone who knows sign language tell me what this is about?
I think I got everything except the ending…I am just learning sign language so it is hard for me to catch everything grumble… Thanks in advance! .
Who fluently knows sign language and how long did it take you to learn?
who knows sign language?
i am interested in learning sign language, however i would like to know how difficult it is to learn..? i don’t know any sign language at all and i could sign up for sign language 1 next year. (strictly for my benefit and curiosity) i would like the class to be more fun rather than […]
Someone that knows about sign language please help!?
i have been looking for a sign language book/CD on ebay so i can learn sign language, but all that comes up is “american sign language”. could someone please tell me if american sign language is the sign language used in australia? thanks .
A question for anyone who knows Sign Language(ASL)or knows about it?
I’m trying to learn sign language, but it seems like there is more than one way to sign. Like for example: Know there seems to be more than one sign for that. I’m trying to learn from and alot of there signs are different than what I have already learned . Please help any […]
You have a choice to live with a gorilla who knows sign language or a dog who sings lullabies. Which one?
I choose the gorilla. I could learn sign language easily 🙂 .
My 18 yr-old cousin is deaf and onlys knows sign language in Persian and wants to learn American sign language
What is the best book and/or CD-rom to buy for him to teach ASL? I would be very grateful for any information you would offer. His dream is to learn sign language in English and attend Galludet University. .