I want to start taking sign languages classes, hopefully for little cost. I’m no looking for a degree, just classes to learn the language. I live in Aurora,Co and Littleton,Co. Does anyone know of classes I can take over the summer and how I can get more info? Thanks! .
Tag Archives: Language
Is sign language the same in?
Is there one kind of sign language in the hole world,Or is there different sign languages for each country? Just like each country speaks there own language. If someone uses sign language and visits some other country would they have to learn different sings? .
Hello! Need a dvd or vhs on learning Turkish Sign Language. I’ve tried Ebay and Half.com & Library. Thanks
Turkish Sign Language (TID) .
Why do ppl keep saying it’s hard for adults 2 learn a new language?
I hear that everywhere i go and it kinda discourages me. It makes me feel like if i try to learn or tell ppl about it, i’m automatically considered retarded just fortrying to learn because i’m 20. I mean everyone wants to learn something and get it right away but of course it doesn’t happen […]
anyone know of any advanced american sign language learning sites??
For people who know sign Language?
I am learning Sign Laungauge any book Ideas? Also I know a few words but the first sentance I did learn was “Can I dye my hair blue” Whta was yours? .
which book is about a girl who teaches a deaf boy sign language and the town thinks she’s a witch?
The book was possibly written in the nineteenth century? I am not sure if she actually teaches him sign language but it is something to that effect. The town or some people think that what she does is crazy and they burn her hand or something to see if she is a witch. .
Good American Sign Language Learning Assistance Sites?
Ok tomarrow I start an ASL class at my college and I was hoping to get some more sites to help my learning and retention of the language. I all ready know about http://asl.ms/ http://www.lifeprint.com/asl101/fingerspelling/fingerspelling.htm http://www.lifeprint.com/asl101/lessons/lesson01.htm Do the good people of Yahoo Answers have any more good sites? .
If a chimpanzee can communicate through the use of sign language and understand commands, does it have languag
If a chimpanzee can communicate through the use of sign language and understand commands, does it have language? .
Sign Language Advice?
I recently started learning the sign language alphabet (american) and I was wondering if any one knew any good sites or books or good information about sign language and ways to help me understand things better. I also came to the understanding that their are different types of sign language but which is the most […]