Juliette Gordon Low was the founder of Girl Scouts of America. She became deaf at age 25. I can’t seem to find out weather or not she learned sign language as a result .
Tag Archives: Language
IS THERE A FREE WEBSITE TO LEARN ASL? (American Sign Language)??
i already know the “basics” i just need to learn the rest of it so i know ALL THE SIGNS. Thank You .
Is there a Rosetta Stone program for American Sign Language? Or something similar to learn ASL?
What is the most common form of sign language in the world?
I was wondering what are the most common forms of sign language in the world. I was hoping to get maybe the top five. Thanks. The most common forms of the spoken language are Chinese, English, and Spanish. Does this mean that those are also the most common in sign language as well. Then there […]
How useful is sign language?
I want to learn 4 languages not including sign language. My sister and I were going to take a German class (which is one of the languages i plan on learning) but they were like 5 days a week for something like 4 hours and then another 16 hours of lab. So we were going […]
sign language classes?
I want my daughter to get invloved in a sign language class in her school. But if shes in the class, what sort of happens. I know they learn sign language but is there anything else? .
Where can I learn how to sign (sign language) The Star Spangle Banner on line?
How long does it take to learn a certain language?
For anyone who learned to speak either Swedish, Danish, French, and Sign Language, how long did it take you? I’m asking how long it generally takes to learn each, and what you found was the best way to learn them. Thanks! .
Any body on here know sign language?
me and my sister like learning sign language i decided to learn to help people but anyway does any body else know sign language? .
Is it possible to teach a baby sign language with only 2 days of time a week?
Im an aunt and I want to teach my nephew sign language. He is turning 6 months soon and I think it’s the best time. There’s only one problem, I only get him on the weekends and I know that the people he live with are eather too busy or will refuse to further teach […]