Tag Archives: Language
How did Native American sign language contribute to their living and way of life?
Anyone know of a good 2 year old sign language curriculum?
I am the head teacher for a 2 year old preschool class and am wanting to integrate a sign language program to the daily curriculum. Does anyone know of any that are good? I welcome any advise, direction and information you may have. Thanks so much! 🙂 .
where can i learn BSL sign language for free on the interent??
ive tried http://www.royaldeaf.org.uk/page.php?id=100177 this but the links dont work. thanks in advance! .
Looking for demo aids for learning sign language ?
Hi I need to find visual aids to demonstrate sign language like common sign and . This is for a communication class due wed, .
Is sign language really difficult to learn?
I want to learn it this summer. I am not deaf, blind, nor do I have hearing problems. I’m really serious about it. THe only problem is, I live in a VERY small town, and there are no lessons offered for about 45 miles, meaning I’d have to use a book, which I am perfectly […]
what is a good song to sign for my american sign language class?
i have to sign a song for a final what would be a good song something not to fast .
I need to learn american sign language, so I can comunicate with my daughter. I can not afford to pay anyone.?
our daughter is 17 years old is going deaf. we are seeking anyone who can teach us how to sign so that we can speak with her. Most of our money goes to taking her to doctors because she has many illnesses. So any help that anyone could offer would be greatly appreciated. If you […]
Can anyone find a video or something that explains or shows sign language to i can only imagine?
I want to learn the sign language to I can only imagine, but I cant find a video that shows it clear or enough, or even if its correct. Please help, thankyou 🙂 .
Is a sign language class hard and is it useful?
I signed up for a sign language class and I want to know if it will hard and if it will be useful after taking the class for things such as job interviews or talking to people who are deaf. The class is called something like American sign language 1 and there are actually about […]