Is Learning the Manual Alphabet and or ASL sign language for this reason morally wrong?

I learned the manual alphabet so that my friends and I could talk in class without the teacher knowing… and also just for fun. Are we seeming to sorta make fun of the deaf? (I don’t, I actually respect them) And is the manual alphabet considered it’s own language, or is it just a small […]

Good American Sign Language Learning Assistance Sites?

Ok tomarrow I start an ASL class at my college and I was hoping to get some more sites to help my learning and retention of the language. I all ready know about Do the good people of Yahoo Answers have any more good sites? .

the best language learning college or institution in ny/nj?

i intend on studying french spanish and italian ..i am also interested in learning american sign language or sign language for any of the above mentioned languages. also if anyone has any tips on learning new languages i would really appreciate it thank you. .