Why do some people said Sign Language is easy but they still don’t understand what I am saying?

Some have been study ASL for 5 years but they still don’t understand me and others Deaf people. What make them think it is easy to learn Sign Languages? I would like to hear from you. TY! Wow , no one else answer it , I guess it is hard for them. lol .

How exactly do deaf and blind people who were always deaf and blind learn?

How does a deaf person learn sign language? They can’t hear, so how do they learn what the different signals mean? How does a blind person learn to read braile? What about people who are both blind AND deaf, like Hellen Keller, except born that way? How are they taught to communicate at all, when […]

MISD’s superintendent designee pick: A man who brings people together

MISD’s superintendent designee pick: A man who brings people together MARBLE FALLS — Although residents of this 7,000 population Central Texas town knew their superintendent would leave eventually, they still take it personally he’s coming to Midland. Read more on Midland Reporter-Telegram .

Poll: Why do some people think sign lanaguge is an international language?

English sign language is different from other sign languages like Chinese sign language, German sign language, Russian sign language, etc. Sign language is not an international language. Why many people don’t know this fact? .