Lesson for American Sign Language Numbers 1 – 20 (ASL, counting)

www.WestwoodASL.com The purpose of this video is to count through the individual numbers, 1 through 20, for American Sign Language (ASL) and cover common errors for each as well as showing the correct way to sign each one. This video is a test sample that I’m working on for my website. I’ll add variations as […]

Did anybody become fluent in sign language late in life?

If so, how hard was it to learn and how long did it take? I know with a lot of languages, to be truly fluent, you would’ve had to learn it from an early age. However. I’m assuming it’s different with sign language as many parents are forced to learn it when they have deaf […]

I use sign language do the greeks find it offensive when someone uses their sign?

Because I use sign language to communicate with a few friends of mine, and the signs that the AKA’s use is the letter I in sign language, The KA Psi’s uses the letter F in sign language, and the AphiA uses the letter Y in sign language. Is it offensive, even though it have a […]