Does anyone know of a good book or web-site concerning teaching a young child sign language? Does anyone have a positive experience with this? I would love to teach signs to my son, but will have to learn them, as well! Thanks 🙂 .
Tag Archives: Sign
british sign language?
I would like to learn british sign language and become a translator… how realistic is this through doing nightschool? how long would it take to learn the basics and how long would it take to become good enough to become qualified? What kind of jobs are available through learning this (i dont want to teach) […]
5 year old son interested in lerning sign language?
My 5 year old son is very interested in lerning sign language. Do you guys know of a good book or movie to teach him? .
Spanish/american english sign language?
i am 100% bilingual (spanish/english) and i am interested in becoming a spanish professor BUT with a twist. I want to learn American sign language and Lenguage de señas de mexico ( basically spanish sign language) and teach using those tools. My question is, would i be considered to know 4 languages? or just as […]
Is the art of sign language universal?
Do people from like Japan or Germany (or any other country) learn the same signs, and could you understand them? .
Has anyone tried baby sign language?
I done baby sign with my now three year old twins, it really seemed to cut down on their frustration level. They were doing simple signs at 7 months, my son is not talking but is learning sign at his preschool class. His speech teacher said that he picks it up very quickly, he in […]
Learning Disabled Adult & Sign Language: there is a special name for this type of signing. can someone name?
some have referred to it as “junk” sign language. i am assuming this is just a nickname. .
Does your toddler use sign language? How many signs does he or she use?
My daughter has a lot of language but still uses her signs to support her talking. Just wondering about other experiences. .
Is anyone else teaching their child how to speak in sign language?
My girls are 2 and 4 I wanted to teach them ways to communicate with other people who could not hear, Now people look at me as if I am weird for doing so. Is anyone else teaching their children or am I just a weirdo? I just thought it was something easy for them […]
Can someone who knows Sign Language help me out with this joke?
I just started to learn signing a few months ago and am watching all these videos but I still cannot understand half of what I see…for this one I pretty much got all of it except the punchline! Will someone please interpret this? .