My dad has been gradually going deaf all my life… Which sign language is best?

Ever since he was born, he has had hearing problems. At the age of 4, he had major surgery because of it. All my life, it’s been: “What was that bud… I’m sorry I still can’t understand you.” He has $7,000 worth of hearing aids (2). Still going deaf!!! There is a bone in the […]

would learning american sign language help as a speech pathologist?

im going to school for speech pathology and have an option of taking an ASL class this summer. i think it could be really fun and interesting. i’m just wondering if learning ASL would be beneficial to me in my future career. any thoughts i would appreciate it, especially from someone in the field! 🙂 […]

Are jobs involving sign language in high demand?

I was laid off and unemployed. I am currently going through a divorce, so I need a job that will be decent pay and have benefits. I was thinking of going back to school (through a program for dislocated workers). I always thought (since I was a kid) that it would be cool to learn […]

Something: I don’t get it about Sign Language?

I don’t get it what make time change so fast? In 1700’s Hearing people said deaf people are unable to learn. In 1800’s Hearing people said deaf people are retarded. In 1900’s Hearing people said deaf people are dumb because they get confused with ‘Deaf and dumb’ but which mean they can’t hear and speak. […]

Is the Manual Alphabet (Sign Language) considered a real language?

If I said I know the manual alphabet, which i do, would that count as knowing another language? Even if I only know a few full words in sign language? I can still spell stuff out with the alphabet. My friends and I all learned so that we could talk during class without getting in […]

Was it hard for you to learn sign? How long did it take you to teach your child?

My 2 year old has been having hearing troubles for the past year which has made it difficult for him to hear and pick up on language. Since he is 2 and can’t communicate with us, we are trying to learn sign so we can help him express what he wants. He has picked up […]