Does American Sign Language (ASL) have different grammar rules than the spoken and written English word?

And yes, I know that ASL is American , and therefore has to work well with English. I know that ASL is different from the SL of other countries where English is not spoken. I am asking if the grammar rules are very different from English. .

Is sign language harder or easier than a spoken language to learn?

I’m *thinking* about learning sign language. However, before I start, I want to make sure I’m not starting some kind of “never-ending journey” in which it takes me years to even become intermediate. I studied Korean for several years (including three years as an adult in Korea), and it took me nearly four years and […]

The Amazing English Language as Spoken by Nigerians

Listening to Nigeria’s kind of English Language may be very interesting to foreigners especially those that the Language make their first Language. It is therefore for this reason that foreigners to the country are left marveling after physically communicating with us Nigerians. Foreigners to Nigeria may expectedly become thrilled by what has come to […]

Can learning sign language help me learn other (spoken) languages easier?

I was thinking that maybe learning sign language would not only help me communicate with the deaf, but also help me learn languages like italian and French faster. Like if I’m learning the french word for Car I can sign car at the same time and I’ll remember what the word means. I don’t know […]

Sign Language Dictionary That Makes it Efficient as the Spoken Language

A sign language which is also known as signed language is a language which makes use of manual communication lip movements and body language to express meaning. The sign language is the one which simultaneously uses hand movements, orientation and movement of the hands, arms, body, and facial expressions to convey messages. Sign […]

How the British Sign Language is Influenced by the Spoken English

The British Sign Language or BSL is the Sign language that is used widely by the people in the United Kingdom. This Language is preferred over other languages by a large number of deaf people in the United Kingdom. It is estimated that there are about thirty thousand to seventy thousand people who use […]

What is the most spoken sign language in the world?

I know there’s a different sign language for each country. Which sign language is the most spoken in the world? I thought because english is one of the most spoken languages that it would be the same in deaf people, but I was also told that American Sign Language is completely different from British Sign […]