is there signs for peoples names or do u spell them out? sign language?

my daughter wants to learn sign language n her book doesnt show names. thanks ok-thanks so if u first meet someone do u spell ur name first n then show how u like it to look? my daughters 9 so i dont want her offending ppl thanks .

I want to start teaching my baby sign language, is there a book or website that will help me learn how to?

begin? I know I taught the basics to my son but that was like five years ago! Thanks but I am looking for some suggestions smart@ss!!! god why cant I just get some nice answers on here!!! .

Does anyone know if there is a Sign Language component for the ITERS?

I’m trying to increase quality by adding sign language to my infants and toddlers room. While I know it will benefit the children, I want to make sure that if I make this big $$ investment it will pay off in my quality rating as well. As usual, I can’t get anyone of the mentors […]