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  1. You know a performer is rly getting into the act when they start perspiring to cool 😀

  2. I like how some of the signs changed from the original videos. Like “planet earth turns slowly” you used the sign for slowly but here you use a planet rotating slowly. And in the video you did firefly sort of like shooting stars but here it’s different. It’s neat to watch people evolve artistically

  3. this song uses asl, i am level 4 bsl, it is easy for me to understand it, this song is very similar i suppose because its a lot figurative. lovely

  4. I just start to learn ASL recently, am hard of hearing. I can sign some simple words now. I joined a great deaf daing site, —-Deafornot dot c om—-, and met some good deaf/HOH friends over there. They help me to learn ASL.

  5. How did I not know about this? *sob* I was even taking an ASL class around this time!

  6. could you do like lessons on songs like this one? cause I’d love to be able to do this but you go really fast at some points….

  7. @Astronouth7303
    yeah, its much more correct this way 🙂 its typical for sign languages not to separate “turn” and “slowly”, but integrate the “slowly” into the picture and just show what it looks like. oh, i love this. i’m a student for sign language interpretin and its just THE best thing i can imagine.
    stephen, LOVED this. 🙂

  8. I just start to learn ASL recently, am hard of hearing. I can sign some simple words now. I joined a great deaf daing site, ——–deafmatching dot c om——–, and met some good deaf/HOH friends over there. They help me to learn ASL.

  9. Someone mentioned earlier about a lot of arguments taking place in regards to hearing people signing songs…I am graduating as a Teacher for the Deaf and I have not heard of this controvesy, keeping in mind that I am very active in the field of the DHH….so can anyone enlighten me on the issue?
    Now in regards to Captain Valor, I think he is a great signer! I love his expressions and variations of sign…great job!

  10. @Astronouth7303 He’s showing the globe actually moving slowly rather than using the sign for slow.

  11. @Astronouth7303 He’s showing the globe actually moving slowly rather than using the sign for slow.

  12. @Astronouth7303 He’s showing the globe actually moving slow instead of using the sign for slow.

  13. I blame you for my love for this song, ironically saw your songsigning before I actually heard the track on UK radio. It’s my tied favourite with Still Alive (which was the first one I saw). Carry on the good work!

  14. you have a cute interpretation. I guess I never really listened to the lyrics before because watching your signs I finally realized what the songs about. haha. but it was cute. if you didn’t move so much it’d be easier to read your signs btw.

  15. He seems to use a different sign in “… that the earth turns slowly”. He doesn’t do the the arm-drag thing.

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