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  1. Hey, my friend Dave married on deafmatching. He is very excellent. Meet deaf singles pls check
    ~~~deafmatching dot c om~~~

  2. Maybe you mean English word order. Looks like ASL to me. ASL is like a picture… I think they did pretty good.

  3. This was more of a “show” for the finale. These students had only been in class for 18 weeks. I know that people expect ASL students to understand and sign perfect ASL in a short amount of time but it doesn’t usually happen that fast….it takes many years to learn English and the same goes for ASL. I’m proud of my students for trying to get awareness into the community about ASL and Deaf Culture. And, none of the students have ANY exposure to the Deaf community because there isn’t one here.

  4. I’m no ASL expert, since I’ve only just begun learning it, but this looks totally off. My guess is that none of those ‘signers’ is actually an ASL-user on daily basis. It looks way more like SEE to me than ASL. Very confusing for Deaf/hoh people, I imagine.

  5. You should all look up WBHS hands concert. it is an american sign language concert that was conducted at west broward high school its amazing

  6. Lol I just took ASL one last semester and our teacher talked about this. and I completely agree. Even though I cant sign much I know that yeah they never like translated the song and our teacher made us do that. you can view mine on my page. its not the best but its ok.

  7. ok my problem is there are too many people moving and signing at the same time. I couldn’t tell who to focus on.

  8. Wouldn’t any song be confusing to a deaf person who cannot hear the music?

    Did the other person who performed this song in ASL do any better?

    How do you suggest the song be signed?

  9. Just so everyone knows…I am a Teacher of American Sign Language. And Though this Performance may look very entertaining to a hearing person with no signing experience, to a Deaf person, it is just plain confusing. She is what the Deaf community calls a “Transliterator”. She is signing exact English, and has not translated the meaning of this song into American Sign Language. So a Deaf person isn’t able to comprehend the metaphoric lyrics. She is signing “I’m not writing, i have no definition.”

  10. This is one of the most inspiring ASL songs I have ever seen. I just finished performing the song, Second chance by ShineDown for an ASL II class. This performance was my inspiration.. Thank you..

  11. im doing this song for my asl song project. its due tomorrow. i hope i do good! i used this song to help me 😀

  12. The guy in the red shirt to the left is really cute. The signing is really inspirational too, hoorah!

  13. All of the students there did a solo or small group performance themselves and were from all different classes during the day so it was difficult to teach them another song and get them all together so they did the chorus to keep it simple.

  14. I really enjoyed this video, but I think they should have been turned around still if they were going to clap! I was trying to watch for moving hands, and I saw them everywhere! Great job otherwise though! 🙂

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