And how are the signs me and you used when using directional signs?
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And how are the signs me and you used when using directional signs?
Directional signs are used mainly for verbs.
For example: If you wanted to sign the simple sentence, “I moved over there”, you would sign the word “I”, then the sign for “move” would actually move from closest to your body to away from your body; to show that you physically moved from where you are now, to “over there”.
Then, of course, if the sentence were, “You moved over here”, then the opposite would be signed.
It varies depending on the direction, i.e. moving from East to West, North to South, etc.
Most verbs (not all) can be signed directionally.
Also, it’s not just verbs, other types of words can be signed directionally, as well.
i.e. “I hate you”, “You hate me”, can be signed with directionality.