What happens when someone using sign language gets mad?

so im curious, you know how really pissed off people will talk alot faster and throw theyre hands in the air and point in everything? so what happens when a person using sign language is mad? do theyre hands just keep getting faster and faster until its just like a blur of raw fury?

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  1. I have a couple of friends who use sign language and they do tend to make their movements faster and more powerful, but not so fast that they are a blur.lol After you are around my friends for a while and know how they talk regularly, you can easily see the difference.

  2. They probably have full eye contact and make their needs known.
    Have a look at Italians when they talk – looks like the same thing – hands flying everywhere!
    I am learning SL now and our teacher has eyes like a hawk and when she wants to make a point about something she stops, gets our attention and if she got angry, she would be able to communicate it.

  3. Quicken, yes; a blur – no!
    Sign language is total communication using facial expressions and body language which is recognised easily by other signers.
    And for every 4-letter word that hearing people might use in temper, there is an equivalent one in BSL!

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