Why do some people said Sign Language is easy but they still don’t understand what I am saying?

Some have been study ASL for 5 years but they still don’t understand me and others Deaf people.
What make them think it is easy to learn Sign Languages?
I would like to hear from you.
Wow , no one else answer it , I guess it is hard for them. lol

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  1. Being a father to a deaf child, I can say for sure that ASL is not easy. Some words are easy to pick up, but the whole language is not easy. My daughter is going on 5 and we’ve been learning as she learns. I believe you have to be passionate and really want to learn.

  2. I think it is easy to learn sign language, but it is hard to be fluent in it. I think it is far easier to sign than it is to read sign – especially if they are signing to other Deaf people.

    When I encounter a person whose native language is not English I slow down how I speak and try to enunciate clearly – in my experience Deaf people make little or no attempt to slow down when they sign when a non-native signer is present.

  3. It’s been that way with me before.

    I think the reason why we may not understand what a person who is signing is saying is because we need to study Sign Language harder or practice more often.

    I’ve noticed that signing is easier than reading you or an interpreter signing. Especially if signing is really fast. Fluency takes years.

  4. It’s a language in itself and without practice, one can have a hard time understanding or grasping when others talk. It’s like learning another language and understanding vocabulary and grammar…but when it comes to talking to a person, it’s a whole other ballgame.

    I have many friends who are in the Sign Language group and it takes time to learn and put into practice.

    But I will say it’s beautiful to see the deaf section at the assemblies all singing together in sign.

    I’ve often wanted to learn Sign language on top of the other languages learned but haven’t had the opportunity to.

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